Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Organic Agriculture

Organic agriculture is about more than just growing crops without using either chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides, rather it a holistic approach to the very system of farming that restores, maintains and enhances economical sustainability and ecological balance generating non toxic, healthy and tasty food or medicine or dye with natural fragrance and colour.

In today’s world most organic growers since believe in biodiversity, they avoid GM varieties, whether crops or seeds or plants or animals. They use no chemical either for soil fertility or for pest control, no chemical either for their growth or for their protection except the medicines that too only when the situation is very bad and beyond control.

Organic agriculture is currently being practiced in more than 100 countries the world over. The ill effects of agrochemicals used for last several decades have changed the minds of consumers in different countries who are now buying or willing to bye organic food stuffs with high premium.

Policy makers are now promoting organic agriculture for several different reasons such as soil health, sustaining rural economy and creating better environment. The global organic area is estimated at 26 million hectare with 61 standards and 364 certification bodies. The world organic market is estimated at 26 billion US $. The certified organic area in India is estimated at 2.5 million hectare but non-certified area is much more.

Organic agriculture is being practiced in India since the beginning of agriculture in this country and it continued as such till Green Revolution was introduced in this country in the mid sixties.

There is a brief mention of organic agriculture in ancient literatures like the Rigveda, Ramayana, Mahabharata and Kautilya Arthshastra etc.

Sir Albert Howard was the first industrial agriculturist who was brought in to India by the British to teach the Indian farmers the use of agrochemicals but he ended up in learning the organic agriculture from Indian farmers, developed the Indore process and went on to establish the symbiotic fungal bridge between the humus in the soil and the sap of the plants through the mycorrhizal associations. He wrote in his, An Agricultural Testament, “Since industrial revolution, agriculture has become unbalance, the land is in revolt, diseases of all kinds are on the increase, the nature is removing the worn out soil by erosion.”


1. Oldest practice 10,000 years ago dating back to Neolithic age by ancient
civilization like Mesopotamia, Hwang Ho basin etc.

2. Ramayana All dead things returned to earth that in nourish soil and life 3. Mahabharata 5500 B.C., Kamadhenu – the sacred cow, had role in not

only in human life but also in soil fertility

4. Kautilya Arthshastra 300 B.C., use of several manures made of the excreta of

domesticated animals and oil cake

5. Brihad Sanhita Methods of choosing manures for crops and manuring

6. Rigveda 2,500-1,500 B.C., green manure, use of dung of goat, sheep,
cow etc.


US Noble laureate Norman Borlaug, the creator of the famous dwarf wheat variety in Mexico, visited India in 1957. In a press conference he said, “Were I been a member of the Indian Parliament I would leapt from my seat every fifteen minutes and yell at the top of my voice, fertilizers, give farmers more fertilizers.” The fact is that, between the fifties and sixties, in the independent India, there was a gap between the demand and production of food. To meet this, the Indian planners under the influence of the US institutions like the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations and the US food specialist Norman Borlaug, conceived the idea of paradigm shift in agriculture, from natural to chemical, from natives to high brids and high yields, the seeds of which gained popularity under the global brand name of “miracle seeds,” having the ability to soak up agrochemicals developed at that point of time. This was a global phenomenon and it helped in the global increases in food out puts instantly. To day the world food grain production is estimated at 2100 million tones and it is mostly based on use of agrochemicals, artificial chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides. However, the impacts of these agro chemicals, the artificial chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides are well observable. No data have been published by any the Indian agency like the US Environment Protection Agency (USEPA). The USEPA revealed in 1991 that the projected estimate of methane emission from the Indian paddy fields amounted to 37.8 metric tones per year, thus accusing Indian paddy cultivators in adding to the global green house gas accumulation as methane is also considered as a green house gas. Consequently in India more emphasis was attached to shift to non conventional agriculture and keep paddy cultivation limited to 47% of total arable land (National Agriculture Policy, 2000). Use of artificial chemical fertilizers especially N- fertilizers always invite the agricultural pests leading to applications of pesticides, especially synthetic pesticides and both of these pollute the environment substantially.

The global fertilizer use (in Kg/ha)

Korea - 357 kg
Japan - 247 kg
Netherlands - 172 kg
Bangladesh - 158 kg
Germany - 153 kg
India - 89 kg

The sinister logic of recommendation of the use of chemical fertilizers:

Plant requires 17 essential nutrients divided under two groups:

1. Macro nutrients- those required by plants in large amounts and

2. Micro nutrients-those required by plants in small amounts

Regardless of the sources, plants absorb all nutrients in inorganic forms only. The 3 Macro or major primary nutrients are absorbed as under - Nitrogen (N) as Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite

Phosphorus (P) as P2O5 (available phosphorus)
Potash (K) as K2O (available potash)

The 3 macro secondary nutrients include such substances as Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg) and Sulphur (S) which are naturally available in the soil and manures.

Micronutrients or minor plant nutrients are in fact trace elements as Iron(Fe), Manganese(Mn), Zinc(Zn), Copper(Cu), Boron(B), Molybdenum(Mo) and Cobalt(Co) and like the secondary macro nutrients, are supposed to be available in the soil and manures. Although there is nothing organic in the nutrient absorption by plants but plant up take is surely influenced by the source of origin of the said nutrients, it is better if it is from the organic source, as the availability is modest and release is delayed but prolonged and the nutrients do not influence each other’s up take. In the chemical process, excessive applications of nitrogenous fertilizers prevent phosphorus and potash up take by plants.

Average nutrient uptake by crops per tones of economic yield

Nutrient Crops Paddy (Kg) Wheat (Kg)
N 20 25 P2O5 11 9

K 2O 30 33

S 3 4.7

Ca 7 5.3

Mg 3 4.7

B 0.015 0.048

Cu 0.018 0.024

Fe 0.153 0.624

Mn 0.675 0.700

Mo 0.002 0.002

Zn 0,004 0.056

State of facts

Intensive farming, said to be required to meet the increasing food demand of the growing population, exhaust natural soil fertility and distort soil’s natural balance.

It is suggested, inorganics have to be selectively added to the soil to maintain the required plant nutrition. But their ills are never assessed nor taken care of.

In the green revolution era throughout the world, the crop plants were basically protected through the use of biocides, pesticides, fungicides etc.and its impacts were never assessed. Use of synthetic pesticide (in kg/ ha.) in USA, Japan, Korea, China and India are 1.5, 10.8, 6.6, 2.25 and 0.38 kg, respectively. The uses of synthetic pesticides in the last few decades have become one of the essential inputs of modern farming, but consequences are evidently disastrous.


Because food safety is as important as food security



v Interfere and eliminate nutrition producing microbes (bacteria fungi and worms) from soil.

v Impede and set in imbalance the entire mineral and micronutrient pattern in crop plants.

v Excess of N- fertilizer in soil impair K uptake by crop plants and they lack K component in their tissues.

v Excess of K applications decrease the amount of Vitamin-C (ascorbic acid) and carotene (pre Vitamin A) in crop plants.

v Super phosphate applications cause deficiency of Cu and Zn in crop plants.

v Their applications reduce the natural resistance to disease and pest in crop plants

v N-fertilizer applications though enhance crop yield, it is in terms of carbohydrates. There occurs a deficiency in protein content by 20-25% w/w and the amino acid balance is greatly impaired, thus lowering the protein quality.

v N- fertilizers (NO3,NO2 and NH3+) act as toxins in soil, percolated into underground water tables,NO3 and NO2 cause Methaemoglobinaemia (Methaemoglobin occurring in excess of normal 0.8%) which at 20% cause headache and giddiness, at 60% loss of consciousness and around 80%, death in adult human beings. Affected new borne turn blue and die (blue baby syndrome).

v N- Fertilizers (NOx) reduce O3 by 3.5% by reducing NO (NO+O3 NO2+O2). A one percent of O3 depletion cause increase 2% of U-V radiation, 10% decreases of O3 in stratosphere increase Melanoma (skin cancer) by 20-30% besides causing high occurrence of cataracts, destruction of immunity, vegetation and sea-life.

v Concentration of NO2 at 6.0mg/kg in excess of 2mg/kg of air cause leaf damage, impaired photosynthetic activity in many plants. At a higher concentration, causes burning sensation of mucous membranes. NO3 at 800mg/ltr.of water caused cattle deaths in epidemic form in Rajasthan in 1976.


v These are generally bionondegradables, introduced into the ecosystem, they play havoc, either as hazardous or toxicants or both.

v Aimed at eliminating the pests, they end up in increasing their pesticide-resistance as most of the pests have as many as 10-30 life cycles in a year.

v The table given below shows changes in cotton insecticide use(in mln.pounds),from USDA chemical use survey( It is to note that Bt cotton was introduced in US in 1996)




































Synthetic pyrethroids


















Total pounds applied









v Percolated into the underground water tables, cause pesticide pollution, the recent Coca cola- Pepsi and bottled water episodes are the glaring examples. Once consumed, they have one way traffic in the human (animal) vital tissues.

v According to Pearson (1985) pesticide related deaths in developing countries are estimated at 10,000/yr. nearly 1.5-2 million persons in these countries suffer from acute poisoning related to pesticide use and consumption, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

Pesticide residue reported to be present in agricultural produce (from HAU)



Sample (No.) Contamination


Sample (No.) Contamination


(17 crops)



12% above MRL



8.5% above MRL


(12 crops)



less than MRL



approaches MRL

Pesticide residue in animal feed, fodder, product and irrigation water in year 2001-2002.


Sample No.

Contamination (%)

Major residue recorded

Feed and fodder



HCH, DDT, Chloropyriphos, indosulphan




94% HCH, 9% indosulphan and DDT residue




- do -

Irrigation Water

Surface water




Canal water



Indosulphan, Chloropyriphos

4 above MRL

Pond water





- do -

Maximum residue limit (MRL) of pesticide on food commodities (prevention of food adulteration acts- 1954)

Name of pesticide Food

MRL (Mg/kg)


Food grains, milk, vegetables

0.01, 0.15, 0.10


Food and vegetables



Food grains, vegetable and milk

0.5, 0.5, 0.1


Food grains, fruit/vegetables, milk

0.10, 0.10, 0.05


Food grains, fruits, Cauliflowers

0.05, 0.50, 0.01


Milk/milk product, fruits/vegetables

1.25, 3.5





Food grains, vegetables

0.01, 0.055

Do the plants actually require mineral fertilizers?

Facts regarding evolution

1. Creation of earth - 5 billion years ago

2. First life started - 2 billion years ago

3. Initiation of plants - 500 million years ago

4. Appearance of man - 2 million years ago

5. Pre-historic man started cultivation - 10000 years ago

6 Concept of fertilizers use - J B Boussingault (French chemist) and Justus Von Liebig (German chemist) in 1840.

7. First global fertilizer industry- Roth Amsted Experimental station, London, 1842.

(Single Super Phosphate or SSP)

8. First fertilizer industry in India-SSP (Parry), Ranipet, Tamil Nadu, India, in1906.

9. History of fertilizer - 100 to 160 years only

10. Principal source of Global Fertilizer supply – American II war surplus materials,

Nitrogenous and Phosphatic fertilizers.


Organic proponents are against fertilizer inputs due to the following reasons.

1. Fertilizer use is only 100-160 years old.

2. Not willing to accept the claim that fertilizers enhanced global food production.

3. Lot of plants on road sides, hills and deserts are surviving with humus from biomass years after years, without any fertilizers being ever applied.

4. Fertilizer is from the brain of the industrial lobby only, and is neither for the advantage of the farmer-consumer nor the environment.

5. Crop produced with chemicals contains heavy metals and other contaminants, hence, not well for health.

6. Agrochemicals cause disease and death due to excess nitrate and pesticide residues.

7. The so called food produced through the use of agrochemicals is devoid of vital minerals and vitamins which, in turn, incapacitate the enzyme systems so vital for proper body functions necessitating their additions to food and medicines.

8. Fertilizers like Urea and DAP contain heavy metals like lead and cadmium.

Concentration of heavy metals (PPM) on dry weight basis.







< 0.04

< 0.2

< 0.4

< 0.2


9.9 – 16.2

4.6 – 35.5

2.1 – 3.7

7.4 – 22.2


< 0.4

< 0.2

<0.4 – 10

< 0.2

Adverse effect of nitrogenous fertilizers on human health and environment


Causative agents

Human health

Excess NO3 and NO2 in water and food


and Cancer

Nitrosamine illness from NO2 secondary amines peroxiacyl nitrate

Environment health


Excess NO3 in food and water, eutrophication in water bodies owing to run off agricultural fertilizers

Materials and ecosystem damage

HNO3, leading to acid rain and Aerosols in rainfall

Compound growth rate in important crops in India is quite unsatisfactory













Total cereals



Total pulses



Total food grains



Total oilseeds








< -0.61

Total non-food grains



All principal crops



Efficiency of Fertilizers is not more than 50% and the remaining is huge loss

Nutrient use efficiency in India


Efficiency (%)













Nutrient utilization by plants irrespective of sources is through mineralization by billions of micro organism which are available in the soil for this job.

Ammonifers Nitrosomonas

Nitrogen (air) ----------------à NH3-----------------à NO3

Ammonification Nitrobector


Phosphorus from rocks---------------------------à P2O5

Organisms (as Bacillus &


Excess and indiscriminate use of inorganic fertilizer has deteriorated soil health badly leading to deficiency of both plant macro and micro nutrients.

Why organically grown food are preferred over Inorganically grown food:-

Organically grown food contains more vitamins, minerals, enzymes, trace elements and even cancer fighting antioxidants than conventionally grown food, revealed a two years study made in Chicago, USA. It was also observed that the average level of minerals were much higher in the organically grown food than in the conventionally grown food. Besides, the organically grown food always tastes far better and has a longer keeping quality even without refrigeration.


% higher (Chicago study)


63% higher over convent grown food.


73% ,,


118% ,,


178% ,,


91% ,,


125% ,,


60% ,,

Studies reveal that the productivity of organic farming may be less in the initial year(s) but the same increases progressively equating and then surpassing the yields under inorganic farming by 3rd/4th years, with enhanced B:C ratios.

Yield economics of organic farming vis–a–vis conventional farming.



Yield (Q/ha)

Gross income (Rs)

Premium (20%)

Total (Rs)

Net income (Rs)

Surplus/ deficit over conventional








1st year

Year of conversion






- 6250

2nd year

- do -






- 5250

3rd year







- 1500

4th year

- do -







5th year

- do -







6th year

- do -







Regular addition of organic manure improves the soil quality. The loss of nutrients in organic manure is very less due to its slow and delayed release.

Mean value of aggregated soil data from 16 pairs of farms each with organic (bio) and conventional (Con) farming practices

Soil property

All bio farm

All Con. Farm

Bulk density (Mg m-3)



Penetration resistance 0-20 cm (Mpa)



Carbon (%)



Respiration (µ/O2 h-1 g-1)



Mineralizable N (mg/Kg)



Ratio of mineralizable N to C (mg/g)



Cation Exchange Capacity (C mol/kg)



Definition and objectives of organic agriculture

The concept of organic agriculture is often misconceived and misrepresented

The organic agriculture in real sense is the one that envisages a comprehensive management approach to sustainably improve the soil fertility and control the pests so as to improve the B: C ratio.

Organic agriculture is a production system which avoids or excludes the use of all synthetic compounded fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators and live stock feed additives.

It relies on crop rotations, legumes, green manures, crop residues, animal manures, off farm organic wastes, vermi technology and methods of botanical and biological pest control.

Organic farming is the concept of farm as an organism, in which all the components – soil minerals, organic matters, micro organisms, insects, plants, animals and humans – interact to create a coherent self regulating and stable whole (Lampkin, 1999).

Sustainable agriculture prohibits reliance on all purchased inputs, whether chemical or organic and thus improves the B: C ratio.

Organic farming is propagated to make agriculture sustainable, hence, is a holistic production system with enhanced B: C ratio.

International federation of organic agriculture movement (IFOAM) stresses and supports the development of self supporting system on local and regional basis.

Principles of organic agriculture

The main principles are as follows:

1. To maintain long term soil fertility with ecological balance.

2. To avoid all forms of pollution resulting from agricultural operations.

3. To produce toxin free food stuff of high nutritional quality in sufficient quantity and better taste.

4. To reduce the use of fossil energy in agriculture practice to a minimum.

5. To give the live stocks condition of life akin to their physiological needs.

6. To enable farmers to earn a living through their work and improve their economic standards so as to make agriculture sustainable and farmers, the world over, dignified human beings.

The four pillars of organic agriculture

1. Organic standard

2. Certification/regulatory mechanism

3. Technology packages

4. Market network

Standard and certification

The most important component of organic farming in modern era is certification programme which consist of

1. Standard (rules)

2. Inspection (checking whether rules implemented)

3. Certification (judgement)

Only by these three norms, organic farming can be distinguished from other methods of sustainable agriculture.

These standards defined what can be leveled “certified organic” and sold commercially as such.

In fact, certification in organic agriculture generally refers to third party certification. Third party implies that it is not done by either producer (1st party) or the buyer (2nd party).

The system includes farm inspectors and audit trails (checking of records).

Certificate is valid only if it is done by accredited certifying agency.

Certification programme varies from country to country because of the differences in environmental, climatic, social and cultural factors.


Globally, there are more than 60 standards. International Federation for Organic Agricultural Movement (IFOAM) (Headquarter – Germany), first established accreditation programme in 1992 to accredit certifying bodies and to setup Intl. Organic Accr. Services (IOAS). FAO, WHO and Inter governmental bodies, 1962 laid out a set of guidelines for organic productions mostly in the EU states. In 1991 Demeter international a world wide network and Japan Agriculture Standard (JAS) were set up..

The statutory norms of product labeling depends on the destination to which the same is to be exported or the destined market of sale such as the US, EU, or Japan.

1. In the EU states, it must confer to EEC regulation no. 2092/91.

2. In the US, it must confer to the UASDA standards for organic foods.

3. In Japan, it must confer to Japanese Agriculture Standards (JAS) for organic products.

Highly accepted Certifications

It includes those from agencies and associations such as CODEX and IFOAM (International Federation for Organic Agricultural Movement) etc.They are accepted in the US, EU states and Japan, the most important organic markets.

The Ministry of Commerce, Government of India, in 2000 launched the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) to ensure focused and well directed development of organic agriculture in India. A national steering committee (NSC) was formed comprising of APEDA(Agricultural and Processed food Export Development Authority), Spices Board, Coffee Board and various government and private organizations associated with the organic movement to formulate the national standards for organic agriculture with the following guide lines;

* No harmful chemicals have been applied to the land for at least 3 years

* The farmer and processor have annual certification inspections

* They have maintained detailed records of their practices

* They use eco-friendly methods and substances for soil fertility and pest control.

On the recommendations of the National steering committee, the government has constituted the accreditation agencies for the NPOP. The works of these agencies are:

* Drawing up procedures for evaluation and accreditation of certification programmes

* Formulating procedures for evaluation of the agencies implementing the programmes.

The following agencies have been approved as accreditation agencies by the Government of India;

1. APEDA, 2. Spices Board, 3. Coffee Board, 4. Tea Board, 5. Coconut Development Board and 6. The Directorate of Cashew and Cocoa Development.

As per report, today there are 364 certification bodies across the world.

Certification bodies and their approval per region (IFOAM, 2004)

























Latin America/ Caribbean







North America





















Technology packages

Conventional practices can’t be followed for growing crops organically. It includes following

a) Land preparation

b) Selection of variety

c) Organic fertilization

d) Biological control of pests – diseases - weed

e) Harvest storage etc.

Some countries have developed package of practices for some selected crops but there is an ample scope to refine this package with scientific methods and practices.

Market network

It is expected that organic produce should fetch a greater market premium as compared to the traditional one and there should be definite market to buy the produce at a higher price.

The basic focus of organic agriculture should be

1. To produce farm products for the home i.e., internal consumption and

2. For the markets, basically for export, since this will fetch more revenue.

Global scenario of organic agriculture

About 100 countries of the world are in organic agriculture and area under organic. is increasing. As per a study made in2004, by the Foundation of Ecology and Agriculture (FOUL), the total global area under organic is about 24 million hectare.

Land area of major countries under organic management

Name of country

Area under organic (M.ha)

% of total agriculture area

No. of organic farm





















South Africa




















Sri Lanka




All world




Source: IFOAM, 2004

Among the organic food growing countries, Australia is the top (42%) followed by Argentina and Latin America and Europe. The total area in Asia is 880000 hectare (0.07% of total area).


1. The current world organic market has been estimated at over US 26 billion $ from cultivated total area of around 24 million hectare world wide.

2. It almost reached 31 billion US$ by 2005.

3. Premium on most organic products range between 35-100%.

4. 95% of the organic product is consumed in developed countries.

5. The major producers and importers of organic products are EU, USA and


The principal organic products include


1. Fresh fruits and vegetables

2. Cereals (wheat, rice, maize), coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, herbs, oilseeds, pulses, milk products, honey, meat, edible nuts and semi-processed food etc.

Organic market share = 1% of total food share

Global market in 2005 = 31 billion US $

Value of organic food sales


8000 million US$


2100 million US$


1000 million US$


1000 million US$


850 million US$


450 million US$

India (Export)

More than 17 million US$


In year 2000, the National Agriculture Policy was framed and following that,

1. Planning Commission constituted a steering group on agriculture who, in turn, identified that organic farming should be taken up as a major thrust area under the 10th Plan. The region included NE rainfed area and in the areas where the consumption of agro-chemical is low or negligible like Uttranchal.

2. The traditional knowledge of agriculture relating to organic farming was re-assessed and its scientific up gradation was done.

3. DAC constituted a Task Force on organic farming which recommended the motion of organic farming.

4. Ministry of Commerce launched a national organic programme in April, 2000 and APEDA (Ag. Pro. Food products Exports Dev. Authority) was to implement the national programme for organic production. APEDA then set the followings-

1. National standard 2. Accreditation criteria

3. Inspection and certification agency, 4. Accreditation procedure

5. Inspection and certification procedure as have been approved by

the National Screening Committee

India’s advantages in organic agriculture

India is endowed with diverse forms of nutrients in different soil types as available in different parts of the country which help in organic cultivation.

Farmers in most parts still depend on the animals and biodiversity for agriculture

Use of chemicals in agriculture in most parts is much below the prescribed doses; in the north-east states, agrochemicals have been selectively barred since long.

Availability of organic nutritional inputs in India as estimated by NCOF, Ghaziabad is as follows:

1. Crop residue (3.865 billion tones) 2. Animal dung (3.854 million tones)

3. Green manure (0.223 million tones) 4. Bio-fertilizer (0.3670 million tones)

5. Besides it has enough scope for both ancient and modern method of organic agriculture using Nadep compost, Vermi compost and other such practices.

i) Soil fertility

a.) Sanjeevan System, derived from the Indian traditional knowledge system,

essentially promotes the growth of soil microbes to a super active form through the spray of alcoholic extracts, called “amruta” of 2 Ficus plants on composts of all kinds. The matter has been proved at Sanjeevani Sugar Factory, Kopergaon, Maharashtra, where microbial count increased to 1012 in 15 days.

b.) Panchagabya, recommended by the Indian knowledge system, is used mostly in south India as a foliar spray for plant growth (Stock solution = 5 kg fresh cow dung + 3 liter cow urine + 2 liter cow milk + 1 liter cow ghee + 2 liter cow milk curd + 3 liter sugar cane juice + 3 liter tender coconut water + 12 ripe bananas, kept in an earthen pot, stirred vigorously once in the morning for 15 days, 3% aqueous solution is sprayed on all crops to revive the dieing crop and envigorous the healthy crop).

c.) Agnihotra, is an ancient Vedic method, revived recently by plant scientists and is adopted widely around the world for all crops and even for waste land reclamations.(Ingredients include a pyramidal copper vessel, few dry cow dung cakes, little cow ghee, few rice grains, a copper spoon. The dung cakes are ignited at the field every day at Sun rise and Sun set with the recitation of 2 Sanskrit mantras in praise of the Sun and fire and ash so gathered, called the “miracle powder” acts as both growth promoter and insecticide when sprayed on the field.

d) Vermi compost or more precisely worm-cast applications. Culture and collection of worm casts of select varieties of earthworms, both native and nativised, are rich in plant nutrients and plant food generating microbes. Its applications in the farm soil help crop plants grow, flower and fruit properly.

Raw animal dungs and decaying biodiversity make up the food of the earthworms that grow in shady moist places.

Contribution of Earthworms to Soil fertility in form of Worm casts (in kg./ ha.)

Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) Potash (K)

General soil sample ---- 340.2 40.8 380.7

Worm cast of Metaphire posthuma— 610.2 46.7 781.0

(Giant tropical earth worms of Orissa)

Initial soil sample ------ 269.7 52.2 561.25

Worm casts of mixed species worms – 573.88 70.65 825.8

-do- Perionyx excavatus 558.2 61.9 611.52

-do- Eisenia foetida 698.92 90.36 861

Contributions of Biodiversity to soil fertility under 20%soil incorporations (kg. /ha)

Soil nutrients Initial state Moringa Eichornea Cassia Pongamia Sesbania

(kg./ ha.) (kg./ ha.) leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf

Nitrogen (N) 269.7 310.46 299.48 294.48 303.36 265.97

Phosphorus (P) 52.2 62.5 62 62.7 63 31.37

Potash (K) 561.25 598.1 608.83 596.73 594.04 540.03

Major Nutrient Removal by different crops :( Unit- kg. per quintal of product)

Crop Crop part Nitrogen Phosphorus Potash

Paddy grain/straw 1.34/0.61 0.54/0.37 0.27/3.70

Groundnut Pod/calm 3.02/0.4 0.74/0.14 0.52/0.7

Potato Tuber 0.74 0.28 1.4

Gram Grain 5.25 1.65 4

e.) Other minor methods such as - Soil collected from the the Banyan tree surroundings and Animal Horn Manures etc.are also used in many parts.

ii) Pest control

Botanicals (plant derived materials), Biological pest control agents (predatory, parasitic and parasitoidic organisms) and bio pesticides (virus and bacteria) are used to control the agricultural pests. Among all plants, Azadirachta indica,

which contains azadirachtin is the best because it is a mixture of more than 150

active principles, or terpenoids against which pests can not develop resistance.


i) Around 76000 hectare area comes under certified organic farming

ii) 2.4 million hectare is certified forest area for collection of wild herbs.

iii) Uttranchal and Sikkim have declared themselves organic states

iv) In Maharashtra more than 50000 hectare of which 10000 hectare is certified

v) Karnataka, more than 1513 hectare

vi) Most of the dry zones practice organic farming

vii) Other states are also promoting organic farming like Rajasthan, TN, Kerala, M.P., HP and Gujarat.

National Standards

Under NPOP, GoI has developed national standard for organic products. Ministry of Agriculture has accepted this standard.

1. Laid on policy for development and certification of organic product

2. Facilitate certification of organic products confirming to the standards of the national programme

3. Institute a logo and prescribe its award by accrediting bodies on products qualifying for bearing India organic level

4. A national steering committee comprising Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture, APEDA, National Organic Products Board, Spices Board, Coffee Board, Tea Board, and various other government and private organization associated with the organic movement is monitoring the overall organic activity under NPOP in India.

5. The NPOP standard has got equivalency with the standard of EU commission

and is acceptable in EU countries. The same with USA, is under process.


There are 12 accredited certifying agencies in the country

Name of certifying agency


Name of certifying agency


Association for promotion of organic farming

Alumni association building, Belari road, Hebbal, Bangalore

Indian Society for Certification for organic products

Rasa Building, 162/163, Ponnai arajapuram, Coimbatore, TN

Indian organic certification agency

Thottumughan, Post Aluva, 683015, Cochin, Kerala

Skal Inspection and Certification Agency

Mahalaxmi Layout, No.191, 1st main Road, Bangalore – 560086.

IMO control Pvt. Ltd.

26, 17th main HAL, 2nd ‘A’ Stage, Bangalore – 560008, Ph. 080-25285883

Ecocert International

54A, kanchan Nagar, Nakshetrawadi, Auragabad – 413002. Maharashtra



C/o Indocert, Thottumugham P.O. Aluva – 683105, Cochin, Kerala State


SGS India Pvt. Ltd.

250, udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, Gurgaon-122015.



Mithradham, Chunangardi

International Resources for Fair Trade (IRFD)

Sona Udyog Unit No.7 Parsi Panchayat Road

Andheri (E)

Mumbai – 400069.


One Cert Asia

Agrasen Farm Vatika

Road off Ton Rd.

Jaipur, Rajashtan

National Organic Certification Association (NOCA)


* Travel and inspection: Rs.12000-Rs.19000 per day (depending on small farmers, cooperative, estate manufacturers, large and medium sized processors).

* Report preparation: Rs.5000/- * Certification cost: Rs.5000/-


As regards market, India is at a very nascent stage when it comes to export of organic products. During 2004-2005, total organic export was 6472 m.t. at a value of Rs.80-90 crore, the maximum products coming from Kerala.

Indian organic: an Overview (2004-2005)

1. Area under certified = 2.5 million ha

2. Total certified product = 115,238 metric tones

3. Total project certified = 332

4. Number of processing units = 158

5. Accredited inspection and certifying agencies = 11

6. Number of products exported = 35

7. States involved in organic export

Global Agriculture In Village

as such technological developments taking place in any advanced country become known instantly, which help other countries like ours to adopt and follow their techniques to remain updated. One of such countries is Israel, which is characterized by topographical variations and a wide range of soils, enabling the growing and raising of a variety of crops and animals. A large increase in population immediately after 1948 required a rapid increase in food production, followed by development of research and extension facilities and services. In recent years Israel, like many other countries, has faced difficulties in continuing the supply of services it previously provided. This difficulty led agricultural organizations to begin assuming the responsibility of partially financing extension for a few years, and later trying to reflect the cost into the farmers. Farmers are apparently willing to pay for on-farm extension visits. Under this system, the Flower Board is financing many public extension activities and charging the farmer for partial costs of on-farm visits. This system operates successfully, aided by reports that are filed electronically by agents all over Israel to the Floricultural Department Head Office, and from the Head Office to the Flower Board. Advantages of the new system being a tremendous increase in agent-to-farmer commitment; the professional level of agents remains at least the same as before; and the financial situation of the majority of agents is better than before. The disadvantage is that some farmers are consuming less extension than before.

Similarly, California’s land grant extension programme has been successful in assisting agricultural Industries develop as major world producers. Extension has been a leader in facilitating quality-of-state. However, population explosion has transformed California into an urban state, with changing societal issues, values and priorities. Agricultural extension programmes continue to directly serve a declining number of clientele that represent less than 1.5% of the population. Financial support for extension is decreasing at the country and state levels, thus such models used by us in SAU could be catastrophic and need change.

As far as Horticulture sector is concerned, Iran has marched ahead in this field and is one of the world’s top ten horticultural producers. However, post-harvest losses in Iran are six times greater than the world average. Even after establishing an agricultural extension service, Iran still experiences great problems in reducing post-harvest losses. Results revealed that education, material possession, mass media exposure, extension contact, scientific orientation and risk preference were significantly and positively correlated with the knowledge level of farmers pre- and post training. Its model can be adopted after attempting to contain post-harvest losses so that horticultural potential could be exploited and harnessed to improve our economy in J&K State.

“We must remember that agricultural development programmes often produce unexpected results as we have come to know from the history sheet of several countries of the world. This can be attributed to the fact that the target farmers already have their own knowledge and competencies that determine their practices. In order to improve their knowledge, it would be appropriate to adopt models of those countries, which have earned laurels in different sectors of Agriculture. Ours being an agricultural-based economy, so this sector needs to be given due thrust, especially after having failed to revolutionize Industrial sector in Kashmir valley,” suggested a group of keen Watchers of Kashmir valley.

From the study of advanced countries of the world, it has emanated that the attitudes of the farmers have been significantly and positively related to education, organizational membership, land holdings, contact with extension agent, mass media exposure, socio-economic status, awareness, income and material possession. Lack of proper technical knowledge, lack of irrigation facility and high cost of fertilizers/chemical can be the retarding factors to reduce the level of production of agricultural products. Hence, we must lay emphasis on the adoption of models of agriculturally advanced countries of the world so that hackneyed methods are discarded and agricultural base revolutionized to become responsive to our present and future needs in J&K.

Experts suggest replacement of top down planning with grass root planning, improved seeds and extensive participation of farmers

With launching ‘Grow More Food’ slogan, we witnessed green revolution, freedom from hunger, but harmed environment. We have to look for alternate options for the execution of research and develop database for patent formulations. We need replacement of top down planning with grass root planning. And more farmer’s participation reduced risks. Research in past, cantered on improved seeds, irrigation, and chemical use.

Extension education, dissemination of information to farmer has to be the first concern of the public and private establishments and planners. Bird’s eye viewers have to be replaced with visionary professors and professionals.
Farmer farming and farm business shall be the first ranking scientific. Pursuit investing at least an equivalent amount on it has to be spent on health or nuclear establishments. Our polity should be Independent and self-conscious farmers, with records of annual balances, gains and losses, risks and benefits.

We shall have to bring self-reliant proud farmer trained & well versed in Agri-business. Farming concepts and international zoo-phytosanitation recommendations and regulations. We need to stop WTO restrictions or options till our farming and farmers are not completely knowledge driven and economically resourceful to face the global farming competitions.

Four paradigms of Agricultural Extension consists of Technology transfer, prevalent since colonial times & later National Agriculture Extension Project (NAEP), reshaped in 1970-80 as training and visit system across Asia. It involved top down approach. Its role needs discussion. The second paradigm called as Advisory work is what is present system of extension, where, government agencies, NGO and technical industries respond to farmer’s inquiries which we call advisory role. The third paradigm consists of Human Resource Development. This innovation helped Europe and North America. The Universities gave training to rural youth. It is these educated, trained youth, which became future farmers in developed countries. What is known as outreach system of colleges and universities is still unknown in our Agricultural Research System including State Agriculture Universities. A half hearted attempt as Agri-business and Agri-clinical is still to be backed with University, research, banking and economic support. Is it, which can help us to increase productivity in India or Asia needs consideration?

We must remember that the impact of National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) (1986-92) revealed that technologies generated were few and adoption rate not high, even then an estimated monetary benefit of Rs. 2000/ per hectare was observed. Low relationship between technologies developed and adopted a mixed farming technology capsule as 65% of our farmer’s of our farmer’s are small and marginal farmers. This needs a total shift to left in our agricultural extension methodology. T&V Programme initiated with central assistance in state have around all round technological awareness among agricultural experts. Its dialogue and technology transfer from University (Scientists) to experts’ agricultural extension workers was nearly total revolution. The (ZAREC) Zonal Agricultural advisory Research and Extension counselling was the best plate farm to discuss main issues impeding agricultural development. The missionary publication of production recommendations helps a lot in transfer to technology. The presentation of production recommendations in local language is helpful in increasing productivity in many countries.

“Brinjal production technology adoption in Parbani, Maharashtra was the result of social participation, risk management guarantee, marketing orientation, information websites and communication methods. Various limitation of transport, extension staff was the reasons of poor productivity gains in Malakhand agency of Pakistan. The adoption of legume production technologies under Jodhpur arid conditions was low. The problems as indicated by farmers are small farm size. Small holder farmer was less interested to adopt these technologies. Non-existence of market and pricing policy, risk of failure, feeding habits, social taboo and lack of Post Harvest Technology (PHT) were identified. Proper guidance or information support was the major constraint to 60.8% non-adoption rate among farmers. Other contributory factors are technological unawareness (13.33%), sloppy land (11.31%), farm input cost (9.41%), non-availability of irrigation (8.29%) and lack of inputs (7.95%), said a few experts. ...................................................................................................(To be continued).

Agriculture becoming less remunerative

The adoption of improved varieties and biotechnological use to make Agriculture more attractive has to be on our top agenda.

We in developing countries in future will have Industrial expansion to have more economic security. This will mean fewer people being attracted to agriculture or in other words agriculture becoming less remunerative. We need improved varieties, their rapid propagation through biotechnological use. We may have little options not to use modern bio techniques.

This is where we talk now of molecular farming, using biotechnology for more transgenic crops, animals, aquaculture and commercial floriculture.
Besides methodologies for analysis of farming system, options for development & sustainable eco-friendly farm science technology are need of the hour. We do have subject-matter-specialists, but the agents for evaluating the composite effect of various discipline oriented technology cover is yet to be structured. This is exactly where we should intervene and restructures the discipline, programmes and divisions of extension education in the country. In fact a total change from existing slow action, low innovative, conventional and disintegrated extension system has to be refined into analytic, manage mental, social, economical, marketable system, so that the whole technology transfer could be evaluated in terms of productivity and combinations need to be evaluated & monitored. The impact analysis of wide range of agricultural technology transfer be it training, entrepreneurship or agric business is needed, both before and after technology application.

A survey conducted among 120 farmers in Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India, revealed that education, social participation, scientific orientation, risk management, mass media exposure, economic and market orientation were positively and significantly correlated to the extent of adoption recommended hybrid jowar (sorghum) seed practices by the farmers. Majority of the farmers (43.33%) had a medium level of the adoption of the recommended practices. (Kumar et al, 2005). It is suggested that five categories of factors determine the adoption of irrigation systems and are the keys to designing relevant, effective and innovative irrigation extension programmes among horticulturists. The five categories of factories being soil type and topography; crop quality; sowing time; saving water and crop yield (Kaine & Beswell, 2005). We in J&K under SREP Strategic Research extension plan of Districts notice lack of information on sowing time, seed rate and fertilizer application in almost all the crops.

“The available research results have to pierce the farmers farming practices. Non-adoption is the result of our low productivity levels per unit of land. Inspire of tremendous yield gains, the per unit profitability has not raised the economic conditions of our farmers. Our farm economy still fluctuates between seasons’ rainy years among regions. Now for any widespread rains farm technology, it is essential to know its impact and adaptability rate. It is therefore necessary to develop new technologies after considering socio-organizational arrangements, local existing soil, water, human needs and resources. The local skills need to be known and refinement is made to improve profitability. Our experience under IVLP showed a net productivity gains of 2 /hac in rice production by improving local village driven plough. Similar innovative ideas and local technologies with improved or exotic ones gave good results in development of profitable farming,” remarked some knowledgeable persons of Kashmir valley.

Hence conscientious citizens suggest that improved varieties and adoption of latest technologies need to be adopted to revolutionize agricultural production to woo farmers, who can get attracted by industrial expansion to earn quick bucks. It is not the question of monetary considerations, but the level of agricultural production to ensure food security .

Low agricultural production is attributed to untested fertilizers, economic constraints and lack of advanced technology

Hence application of Precision Agriculture needs to be clubbed with information and communication networking to boost productivity in J&K

In Kenya, use of advanced information and communication technologies reduced gaps in yields of agricultural crops between research and farmer’s fields. It is the country where 70% population is connected with agriculture for livelihood directly or indirectly and 80% of its export is agricultural oriented. Reduction in yield gaps through effective use of information and communication technology will have a significant impact.

This stands proved by the low productivity in Soybean, which was found to be due to partial adoption of production recommendations by farmers in Maharashtra. The low yield factors were analyzed. Economic constraints, situational factors and communication gaps on crop production, protection, seed treatment and fertilizer application were found responsible for it. The modernization of agricultural production and rural development on a pilot basis could have worked well.

It has been observed that Precision Agriculture till date has focused on site-specific data collection for soil and crop management. The technologies for the site-specific field operations and automated data recording are available, but precision agriculture rarely involves them for improvement. The application of precision agriculture has to be clubbed with information and communication networking to harvest the gains and to improve productivity. This network may consist of an open software platform, which can be operated by the farmer himself. For efficient communication Internet and mobile telecommunication have been identified as important components. The development of an information and communication network integrating modern software and hardware technologies in a new user-friendly manner is necessary to achieve better acceptance of technologies and improved productivity.

It is worth mentioning that the Australian centre for remote sensing (ACRES) has introduced a new service to provide satellite data for near real time applications. The STAR (Speedy Transmission after reception) service provides access to digital satellite data products in full resolution or compressed format within 12 hrs of a Satellite overpass. The data obtained from ground stations is processed at a facility via a high-speed communication link and high priority procession. This system provides Satellite data on critical applications, like crop yield modelling, pre-harvest crop production forecasting, detecting crop diseases, monitoring crop stress, pest infestation, floods, fires and oil-spills. SPOT –late is a low cost, off the shelf satellite data product from ACRES that is ideal for use in Geographical information system (GIS). SPOT-LIFE can be accessed at any time via the Internet and is available in the form of tiles covering most of Australia. Advance studies with high applications for increasing agricultural production needs quick dissemination. The effect of rooting zone restriction (RZR) on vegetative and reproduction growth of fruit trees via grapes, peach and citrus has been investigated. It is known that it improved crop productivity under low availability of water.

“The available communication facilities for agricultural information in 15 states of India were studied. The results suggest that while communication networking opens up agricultural economy, it is not cost effective. The communication networking has to become cost effective. An attempt to have better communication between various forest research divisions and other organizations interested in sustainable forestry has shown encouraging results. An attempt was made to have quick information flow among and between researchers, extension officers and dairy farmers in East Azerbaijan. The information input, output and intersystem communication were studied. The information likes advertising, public relation and personal selling was found to be best promoters,” said a group of knowledgeable persons of Kashmir valley.

In the “Unique Selling” approach of the communicator effects target audience, the impact of integrated approach utilizing computers in agricultural information & dissemination in Greece and Poland was studied. The gap in technology known and applied at farmers’ field was found. Researchers lack training in using new information technologies. Thus improvement in agricultural productivity has to keep pace with advanced communication and information technology using computers. Hence application of Precision Agriculture needs to be clubbed with information and communication networking to boost productivity in J&K

China, Denmark and other countries have made remarkable progress in the field of Agriculture, Animal husbandry

Hence Experts suggest copying their models to gain experience and improve our socio-economic conditions in J&K

In order to improve our socio-economic conditions, we must undertake study of other countries of the world to see how they have marched ahead. Chinese experience needs a try as their successful improvement of Sheep and yak herds can be a good example for use in India. Under this project, they first took stock of rangeland and livestock resources. Then socio-economic conditions of the livestock breeders were analyzed. Livestock and pasture management by rodents was studied. Rangeland revelation methods were tested and propagated. Seeded fodders and effect of these improved methods of pasture development on disease control and profits from livestock were analyzed. Thus, the extension education programmes should ensure facilitation of Farmer empowerment and not dependence on subsidy. This means incorporating studies and programmes of Agri-livestock economics, grassland and rangeland management, crop and tree production in Agri-extension curricula.

Similarly, a new participating approach of clubbing local and outside knowledge to solve the agricultural problem is needed. Innovate approaches for soil and water conservation in Ethiopia and Tanzania was helpful. A new model of particularly modified Technology development approach is first being recognized, as the only way of clubbing traditional and modern technologies for agric-development.

The Dutch Model for total reformation of agricultural technology transfer shall need refinement of elementary methodologies used in extension consisting of PRA, PERT or other specific management, communication and modern IS-Geographic Information System use. This would involve a total change in Extension Education, objectives, methodology & course curriculum. We need agricultural networking for bringing out results of transferable technologies. Experimental learning and knowledge sharing has to be incorporated, as research on farmers field. Farmers have to be part of our learning, and experimentation process. Dutch model could be used. In India to ensure quick technology use. Let us evaluate technology use. It been seen that some progressive farmers have awareness of technology but being absentee farmers, their workers have no knowledge or skills to use them in the field. It is time to come out of “Technology dissemination Scenario” to “Technology Use Status in the field” and “Productivity gain assessment models”.

“Besides experience learning, market designs, farm economics, sustainable agriculture, Agri-information, communication skills and farm business shall be the knowledge bank available to Agri-Extension & communication experts, whom we should name “FBM” – “Farm Business management Experts”, suggest a group of experts of Kashmir valley.

The Extension Education is outdated and too often used and misunderstood phrase. Extension includes now every attempt to communicate with farmers. Today’s Extension agencies can be university scientists, Subject matter specialists, Agri experts, farmers or even partially Agri known NGO or their agents. Thus, the whole blame of others has to be shared by University experts. Agri-University, applied knowledge has to be communicated to farmers as “end product” as pharmaceutical companies do. Thus all the current ‘building block”, known knowledge has to be computerized and stored. This has to be reshaped and re-arranged as knowledge packs for innovative and whole farming capsules rather than one commodity knowledge sharing as in the West. We do have commodity but not composite agriculture packages. A booklet on its composite effects has been published as Broad Based Extension Education. Training & visits on farm level failed but farmer-training & farmer-research participation or demonstrations at farmers’ field did achieve a great success. With constraints of men and resources and crop insurance in vogue, we must induce researchers to have direct participatory research at farmer’s doors, on their fields. This venture can be on cost-sharing basis or with participatory involvement of Industry.
Our farm economy still depends on seasonal rains, lacks assured irrigation facilities and lacks technological back up

New strategies and our missions

Hence people demand development of Canal-networks and adoption of Chinese Model to improve food production in J&K

Methodologies for analysis of farming system, options for development & sustainable eco-friendly farm science technology are needs of the hour. We do have subject-matter-specialists, but the agents for evaluating the composite effect of various discipline oriented technology covers is yet to be structured. This is exactly where we should intervene and restructures the discipline, programmes and divisions of extension education in the country. In fact a total change from existing slow action, low innovative, conventional and disintegrated extension system has to be refined into analytic, management, social, economical, marketable system, so that the whole technology transfer could be evaluated in terms of productivity and combinations need to be evaluated & monitored. The impact analysis of wide range of agricultural technology transfer be it training, entrepreneurship or agri-business is needed, both before and after technology application.

The available research results have to pierce the farmers farming practices. Non-adoption is the result of our low productivity levels per unit of land. Inspire of tremendous yield gains per unit profitability has not raised the economic conditions of our farmers. Our farm economy still fluctuates between seasons, rainy years and among regions. Now for any widespread rains from technology, it is essential to know its impact and adaptability rate. It is therefore necessary to develop new technologies after considering socio-organizational arrangements, local existing soil, water, human needs and resources. The local skills need to be known and refinement made to improve profitability.

“Chinese experiences need a try under our socio-economic conditions. Besides successful improvement of Sheep and yak herds in China can be a good example for use in our country in general and J&K in particular. Under this project they first took stock of range-land and livestock resources. Then socio-economic conditions of the livestock breeders were analysed. Livestock and pasture management by rodents was studied. Rangeland revelation methods were tested and propagated. Seeded fodders and effect of these improved methods of pasture development on disease control and profits from livestock were analysed. Thus extension education programmes should ensure facilitation of Farmer empowerment and not dependence on subsidy. This means incorporating studies and programmes of Agri-livestock economics, grassland and range land management, crop and tree production in Agri-extension curricula,” suggested a few prominent experts of Kashmir valley.

A new participating approach of clubbing local and outside knowledge to solve the agricultural problem is needed. Innovate approaches for soil and water conservation in Ethiopia and Tanzania were helpful. A new model of particularly modified Technology development approach is first being recognized, as the only way of clubbing traditional and modern technologies for agric-development. The total reformation of agricultural technology transfer shall need refinement of elementary methodologies used in extension consisting of PRA, PERT or other specific management, communication and modern IS-Geographic Information System use. This would involve a total change in Extension Education, objectives, methodology & course curriculum. We need agricultural networking for bringing out results of transferable technologies. Experimental learning and knowledge sharing has to be incorporated, as research on farmers field. Farmers have to be part of our learning, and experimentation process. Dutch model could be used in India to ensure quick technology use. Let us evaluate technology use. It been seen that some progressive farmers have awareness of technology but being absentee farmers, their workers have no knowledge or skills to use them in the field.

Small farmers are neglected by extension services and need proper awareness. Agricultural extension specialists must specialize in community structure, development, education learning tools, technology and policy issues. Thus these disciplines or topics need incorporation in Farm business Management curriculum. Partnership process, management and communication should be the main thrust. Co-operative mechanism, farm business management and evaluation and monitoring tools should be used.

But for revolutionizing our farm economy, people demand development of Canal-networks and adoption of latest Models to improve food production in J&K.Our irrigation system has not come up to our requirements despite pumping huge sums of money in this Sector. Therefore, there is urgent need to develop scientific irrigation system to reduce dependence on rains and share experiences of other advanced countries, particularly that of China to boost food production in J&K State.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

How to Create Your Own White House Garden

Dear Fellow Gardener,

Planting your very own kitchen garden has become the hottest trend this summer. By now

you have surely heard that Michelle Obama recently broke ground on a 'kitchen garden' for the White

House. It will supply the 'First Family' with a steady supply of fresh vegetables all throughout the season.
Why is this trend so popular right now? While everyone enjoys tasty and healthy, locally grown

fruits and vegetables, this time of recession has seen more and more Americans planting gardens to

save money. An estimated 43 million Americans are planning a vegetable garden this year, up 19 percent

from a year ago! The savings are incredible as well; every $100 spent on vegetable gardening yields $1,000

to $1,700 worth of produce, the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates.

Read more,Click Here!.........

Square Watermelon Secrets Revealed

The notorious cartoon character, Homer Simpson, bought a square watermelon from a street vendor in Tokyo. I grew one in my home garden. Now, you can have your own!

This unusual fruit is taking Japan by storm but is only available at select supermarkets and upscale stores.

Japanese farmers have perfected the art of growing square watermelons, but they aren’t about to reveal their secret process. When a square watermelon sells for $82 who can blame them.

But I did it. I cracked the code and I explained it all in my latest ebook Grow Your Own Square Watermelon.

more info.................Click Here!

Ausight World Importers Directory

Worldwide fish, seafood, fruit, vegetable, beverage, candy, meat, edible oil and grain importers, distributors and wholesalers listed. All data are collected from major international trade shows or importers direct submission.Click Here!

Wood Pellet Stove and Boiler Guide

75% Commission, New Landing Page! Established CB Vendor. PelHeat research and develop pellet production and burning solutions. This guide developed by PelHeat provides important information when buying pellet stoves and boilers.Click Here!

Easy Guide To Organic Gardening

Stop giving health food stores and fancy supermarkets your hard earned money for marked up organic produce and learn how to grow your own nutrition packed food with The Easy Guide To Organic Gardening!Click Here!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Horny Goat Weed

Horny Goat Weed is a traditional botanical medicine used in China and Japan.
Horny Goat Weed was revealed around 200 B.C. Horny Goat Weed herb has a history
of conventional use for joints, liver, back and knees, its principle use is as
an aphrodisiac. Horny Goat Weed has testosterone-like effects. Horny Goat Weed
stimulates sexual activity in both men and women, stimulates the sensory nerves,
and increases sexual wish. Horny Goat Weed formula contains a comprehensive
mingle of testosterone-boosting activity from standardized extracts of epimedium,
yohimbe and tribulus. Long used in the Peruvian culture, Maca has been added for
its renowned energizing effects. Niacin and Ginkgo help increase blood flow and
circulation throughout the bodies involved circulatory system.

Horny Goat Weeds combination of botanical ingredients may increase sexual performance through a diversity of mechanisms such as increased testosterone
production, increased energy and increased sexual hormone production. Horny Goat Weed is numerous species of epimedium, a leafy plant which grows in the wild,
most abundantly at higher altitudes. Epimedium has increased the blood levels of
corticosterone and testosterone hormones. It also expands the circulatory
system''s blood vessels, improving the circulation of these hormones. The
combination of increased testosterone levels and dilation of blood vessels has
been improving sexual function in males, as well as females. Epimedium has also
been used to improve kidney function, mostly kidney disorders related to heart

Horny Goat Weed Advantages


Horny Goat Weed is an all-natural botanical sexual enhancer.

* Horny Goat Weed has been traditionally used for kidney disease.

* Use of Horny Goat Weed to slow the aging process, as it improves overall
superiority of life.

* Horny Goat Weed used for supporting strong sexual activity.

* Horny Goat Weed also used for disorders of the joints, liver, back and knees,
its principle use is as an herbal aphrodisiac.

* Men realize better erections and women benefit from the increased blood flow as

* Horny Goat Weed a unique and dominant complex of herbs formulated to support
libido and sexual activity through a diversity of mechanisms.

* Epimedium has increased the blood levels of corticosterone and testosterone

* Horny Goat Weed supports finest libido, sexual function & a feeling of safety at

Horny Goat Weed Warning

* Pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your health care professional before using
this product.

* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

* Keep away from children. Store in a cool, dry place.

* Do not use if tamper-evident seal is broken or missing.

Horny Goat Weed Suggested Use

As a dietary supplement one tablet twice daily between meals.
May be taken 60-90 minutes prior to physical exertion.

A Goat Can Increase Human Sexual


It is believed that horny goat weed got its distinctive name from a Chinese goat feeder who fed his goats with it over 2,000 years ago when he noticed a considerable increase in sexual activity after they had eaten it.


Horny goat weed has gained popularity worldwide in recent years but has actually been a popular herb in Chinese medicine for increasing libido for thousands. It is now marketed worldwide either on its own, or blended with other ingredients.


Epimedium is the proper scientific name and it is also known as:

Barrenwort, Bishop's Hat, Fairy Wings, or Yin Yang Huo as well as horny goat weed.

It consists of approximately 25 species of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Berberidaceae. They are found in southern Europe, and central, southern and eastern Asia and it is normally found at higher altitudes. The plant has a distinctive look,which consists of four-petals, that are configured in a spider-like shape.

Horny Goat Weed and Libido

The plant is believed to work by increasing levels of nitric oxide, which is essential to an erection. It allows the muscles of the arteries to relax and allow blood flow to increase to the genitals, of which the end result is an erection.

Without sufficient nitric oxide a man cannot get an erection – Period

This is why its role in the production of nitric oxide is so crucial

Clinical tests have shown that Horny Goat Weed is able to relax rabbit penile tissue by increasing nitric oxide as well as PDE-5 activity.

Further research has shown that injections of Epimedium extract, into the penis of rats shows an increase in the penile blood pressure.

In double blind test on humans the results were - patients taking Horny Goat Weed showed an overall increase in libido and sexual satisfaction.
Of course, as with all herbs opinion is divided, yet the fact it has been used for thousands of years and millions of people swear by it makes it worth consideration.

It is freely available in health shops without prescription and can often be found blended with other Chinese herbs.

As we have discussed in other articles it is nitric oxide that is the main cause of mild erectile dysfunction - NOT Low testosterone and this herb increases it and is effective for millions of people.