Monday, August 2, 2010

A Goat Can Increase Human Sexual


It is believed that horny goat weed got its distinctive name from a Chinese goat feeder who fed his goats with it over 2,000 years ago when he noticed a considerable increase in sexual activity after they had eaten it.


Horny goat weed has gained popularity worldwide in recent years but has actually been a popular herb in Chinese medicine for increasing libido for thousands. It is now marketed worldwide either on its own, or blended with other ingredients.


Epimedium is the proper scientific name and it is also known as:

Barrenwort, Bishop's Hat, Fairy Wings, or Yin Yang Huo as well as horny goat weed.

It consists of approximately 25 species of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Berberidaceae. They are found in southern Europe, and central, southern and eastern Asia and it is normally found at higher altitudes. The plant has a distinctive look,which consists of four-petals, that are configured in a spider-like shape.

Horny Goat Weed and Libido

The plant is believed to work by increasing levels of nitric oxide, which is essential to an erection. It allows the muscles of the arteries to relax and allow blood flow to increase to the genitals, of which the end result is an erection.

Without sufficient nitric oxide a man cannot get an erection – Period

This is why its role in the production of nitric oxide is so crucial

Clinical tests have shown that Horny Goat Weed is able to relax rabbit penile tissue by increasing nitric oxide as well as PDE-5 activity.

Further research has shown that injections of Epimedium extract, into the penis of rats shows an increase in the penile blood pressure.

In double blind test on humans the results were - patients taking Horny Goat Weed showed an overall increase in libido and sexual satisfaction.
Of course, as with all herbs opinion is divided, yet the fact it has been used for thousands of years and millions of people swear by it makes it worth consideration.

It is freely available in health shops without prescription and can often be found blended with other Chinese herbs.

As we have discussed in other articles it is nitric oxide that is the main cause of mild erectile dysfunction - NOT Low testosterone and this herb increases it and is effective for millions of people.

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